What is Coolest Projects Malaysia?

Coolest Projects Malaysia is a competition for young people of ages 17 and under to create and showcase the great ideas they have created with technology. In 2024, Coolest Projects Malaysia is going hybrid!

Age Categories

Primary School Students

12 years and under

Secondary School Students

13 to 17 years

Project Categories

Visual Programming

Anything developed using a block-based language including (but not limited to) Scratch, Kodu or MakeCode. This includes projects which use Scratch or visual programming languages to program hardware elements or electronics.


Robots, machines, and hardware hacks. Any project that uses hardware such as Lego Robotics, Arduino, micro:bit, or Raspberry Pi boards.  


Every kind of game made in any programming language using any technology (except Scratch). You might like to use a text-based programming language such as Python, or a game engine such as Unity, Godot, Unreal Engine or Blender.


Web based applications on any topic you like, from informative pages to interactive applications. Sites can be built using HTML and CSS but might also include a web programming language such as Javascript.

Project Judging Stages

Online Submission

All submissions will be reviewed by our panel of shortlisting judges. Every project will be judged twice, using the same scoring.

Showcase of Finalist Projects @ Spice Arena, Penang

Top entries for each category will be invited to showcase their projects to our panel of judges to determine the winning entries. This session will be conducted in-person at Spice Arena, Penang.  

We welcome the public to join and vote for your favourite project physically at Spice Arena, Penang. 



For each project category (separately for primary and secondary):

  • Champion: RM700
  • 1st Runner Up: RM500
  • 2nd Runner Up: RM400
  • Honorable Mentions: RM200

For each age category:

  • Coolest Project: RM500
  • Best Presentation: RM300
  • Project that Captured Our Hearts: RM300
  • Most Popular Project: RM300


One primary school and one secondary school in Malaysia with the highest overall number of qualifying project submissions will receive a cash prize of RM1500 to invest in hardware and software for upcoming Coolest Projects.

Make sure to get your students to put down their schools during project submissions to qualify!

Special Recognition by
Broadcom Foundation

Broadcom Coding with Commitment recognizes a project by a standard 5 to form 2 (11 to 14 years old) participant or a team who combine STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) learning with coding to solve a community problem that care about that aligns with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nation.

Passion for Community is defined as the desire to protect, preserve, save, improve, or promote quality of life or nature in one’s family, urban or rural neighbourhood, region or the Earth across any STEM category of the student’s choosing and is consistent with the 17 sustainable goals set by the United Nations.

The winner will be awarded with public recognition at Broadcom Foundation-sponsored competitions and showcases with the receipt of a formal award certificate from the Broadcom Foundation, and $250 USD Gift Card, and Raspberry Pi Pico Kit.

Important Dates

Finalist Project Showcases in...

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

Join Coolest Projects 2024!

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